Category: Hair care

Hair Loss And Its Causes

During a cycle of hair growth, there is little shedding of hair which is absolutely a normal thing.  It is a natural process. But for a large number of people, there is unusually excessive hair fall. It finally leads to partial or total hair loss. This is a serious matter that must be attended instantly. The problem needs immediate treatment. Before moving towards the solution for this embarrassing disturbance, it is necessary to have a deep insight of what actually causes it.


Experts reveal that the most common of all causes of hair loss among women and men is their genetic makeup. However much of the details are not known yet. It is fully understood now that the gene for hair loss is dominant in such people. It can be transferred either form mother or father. In people with inherited hair loss, the problem is progressive. It continues to occur throughout years or for their entire life. For some, early twenties is the age when they start experiencing this trouble. For others, it occurs later in life.

Hormonal disturbance

 Any changes in normal hormonal level in body cause various syndromes. One of these is hair loss. These are briefly described here:


 Overactive thyroid leads to thin damaged hair.


Under-active thyroid is also detrimental for hair growth. It makes them coarse and rough.

Male and Female hormone imbalance:  

In women, if any imbalance in sex hormones of male and female occurs, it causes hair thinning and loss.


 It is widely known that pregnancy causes hormonal changes that ultimately lead to excessive hair loss. A large reserve of protein and calcium is taken up by fetus so there is a dearth of essential nutrients that are beneficial for hair growth. This major transfer of nutrients leaves a woman severely deficient in hair food.


 Some women suffer from hair loss when they enter menopause phase. The main cause is estrogen lack. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy:

It is often given to treat health problems and symptoms related to menopause. This mostly causes hair shedding in women.


A diet deficient in essential nutrients necessary for hair growth leads to baldness. Although, a poor dietary intake is not directly related to this problem but, it has serious implications upon the growth and health of the hair. People who are deprived of proteins, biotin, vitamin A and other important vitamins or minerals for a considerably longer time are more likely to face such problems, as compared to those who take a well-balanced diet.


Several diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis, lupus, dermatitis, hepatitis and breast cancer are also a causative factor for loss of hair.


Ringworm fungus makes scalp infectious in children. It also causes weakening of hair shaft and patches all over scalp.


Anticoagulants or blood thinners, overdose of vitamin A, anti-depressant drugs, contraceptive pills and gout-treatment medicines can cause hair loss.

In order to treat hair loss, its causes must be clearly understood with no ambiguities and myths.

Hair Styling Products

There are countless hair styling products easily available in the market that were not present few years ago. Now you can get a product specifically prepared for your hair type. Curly, dry, oily or normal hair; all require different formula. There are lotions or gels for dyed hair as well that are milder than the other ones that prevent discoloration and have no bleaching effects on hair strands. It is advised to use a product especially manufactured according to your natural hair type or you may suffer from any damage. Use this type of stuff occasionally when you think the hair is in desperate need of this otherwise just skip this and go on without it.


Hair styling gels are not a new product and has been in use for decades. Previously these were simple now they come with many variations and combinations. They keep the hair well set and avoid any tangles or frizz.


Mousse is an alternate to the gels and are relatively newer than gels. These are best for such hairstyles where touching with hands may spoil the style since gel is applied with fingers. These add apparent volume and body to the hair.


Hair sprays are also commonly used and work nearly the same as the mousse. Keep the spray at least one foot away from hair while you spray.

Whenever you need to apply gel or spray use in a meager amount just enough to set the hair or it will make the soft strands too stiff and dark-colored. It should not be allowed to stay for loner hours and the hair must be washed with fresh water right away. Be careful not to bring such products into contact with eyes since they have strong chemicals that cause irritation and redness in the eyes.

Hair Oils are essential for their growth and proper nourishment. The proper method of applying must be followed to get the benefits. Instead of buying oil with chemicals and artificial fragrances use Oil made from natural ingredients as it has more nourishing ability and is harmless for the sensitive hair strands.

Scalp produces oil naturally to nourish and protect the hair. So it helps to keep them healthy and well hydrated. Oil should also be applied externally to strengthen and grow the hair in a natural way.

Experts advise avoid applying shampoo daily as it may devoid them of natural shine. Shampoo contains harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances or dyes harmful for the health of hair. Conditioner should also be used in order to allow the natural oil from the scalp perform its work of nourishing and protection. It does not mean you cannot wash the hair every day. Be very careful with the hygiene and wash daily if you feel they need cleaning.

Never machine dry wet hair because it makes the hair shaft weaker; causing hair fall problem at an early age that is alarming for women. Since damp hairs are delicate and can break easily if harshly combed or exposed to dry hot air. It is also forbidden to tie damp hair as it can be damaging and inhibit fresh air from reaching the roots.

The best hair oils are almond oil, coconut oil mustard oil, olive oil etc. They contain essential nutrients required for hair growth. The method of applying is to massage oil vigorously all over the scalp for 20 minutes or more as required. Let it stay for a few hours or overnight to allow it to work. Wash next morning with fresh tap water and a mild shampoo specifically manufactured for your hair type. For dry frizzy hair conditioning is highly recommended to have smooth hair that are easily combed and styled. Some people use fairly warm oil which also works well.

Many people are unaware of the benefits of using a hair conditioner so never bother to have one. They must know the usage and positive effects of this product in order to keep their hair nice and healthy. Women with dry frizz hair can keep the hair soft supple and smooth with regular use of a hair conditioner. Curly and coarse hair also stays silky soft with a good conditioner. On the other hand fine hair that is relatively easy to comb or brush do not require any conditioning however it may be done occasionally to have extra softness or before going to a formal occasion. It will ease out in making a style of the hair for the party.

The proper method of using a conditioner must be followed or you may not get the advantages of it. It may harm the shaft of the hair. Remember conditioner is applied after you have washed shampoo in the hair. Another important point is it is not for the scalp because if it is brought in contact with the scalp it will make it greasy,  adversely affecting on hair shine and appearances. Just apply all over your moist hair strands. Leave it for 5 to 10 minutes then gently wash with fresh tap water preferably at room temperature as warm water weakens the hair causing them to shed frequently. Too cold water may not clean the scalp properly.

The best way to apply conditioner is to towel dry the hair after washing it off to remove the shampoo. Once it has been dried well and the water is absorbed by the towel now is the turn for a good conditioner. Apply it all over the hair to their ends taking care to avoid scalp as it is harmful for it. When it is evenly spread all over hair strands, steam the hair or wrap in fairly warm towel for 20 minutes or so. Then rinse it off thoroughly taking care it does not touches your sensitive eyes.

Buy a conditioner that best suits your hair type or it may have negative effects on their health. Now- a-days you will find separate conditioners for oily, dry, normal and curly hair. Even products for dyed hair are especially prepared that are mild and does not cause discoloration or bleaching.

How to avoid split ends?

Millions of women across the globe are facing the problem of split ends. The ones with dry or damaged hair suffer the most. It gives way to other problems also. The first among all is it stops hair growth and breaks the shaft of the hair at certain point. The hairs are not supple and soft anymore. Some have two ends others may have multiple ends that look horrible. It is important to treat the ends as they will harm the health of the air and will not disappear on their own.

Regular Trimming

Get the hair nicely trimmed at least once every three months. Seek help from an expert who is well aware of the cutting procedure and makes sure that no split end is left untrimmed. When left untouched they give rise to more such ends causing even more damage to the hair growth as well as appearance.

Hair Products

Avoid using harsh hair products such as styling gels, mousses, lotions, sprays and dyes that may worsen the already bad situation. In extreme cases the consequences are serious that require medical or clinical treatment. These substandard or fake products if used continuously for longer time can prove to be a great damaging factor to the hair.


Use a wooden comb that moves easily into the hair strands. Plastic hair brushes and combs are not good for hair. Brush with natural bristles must be used. Combs which have wider tooth are better than the other ones since they work easily and help you get rid of frizzy tangles.


Avoid washing your hair with harsh shampoos often as it will cause even more dryness. Conditioner can be used alone if you are not using shampoo. Choose a deep conditioning formula for your hair and use on regular basis.

Avoid Exposure to sun

Cover your hair before going outdoors so that exposure to sunlight is avoided. Herbal shampoos and remedies are great to keep the hair healthy.