Category: Lifestyle

Apart from dining and sight-seeing the trip is incomplete without shopping in Dubai. The state is famous for its gigantic shopping malls that attract millions of people the world over. You can buy there everything, ranging from a needle to a big car of any famous brand of the world. The market has huge exposure to the millions of wealthy tourists so every seller wishes to offer his products to trade successfully.


The best idea is to plan ahead about what to shop and where from or it will be an extravagant money spending activity without even getting a single thing needed. The malls have endless variety of stuff that is very likely to confuse the person who is doing shopping in Dubai. Prepare a list of the goods you wish to purchase. Then begin the adventure. Keep on buying things and enjoy your trip.

For those with budget limitation, they should get the things that are really urgent for them to have. Another tip is to buy during sales as it will save them 30 to 50 percent on every purchase. Asian products are inexpensive than European or American since the buying capacity of the people there is much more than of the developing countries they have a huge difference in price. Try buying only souvenirs and the unique things that you will hardly find in your city.

Quality matters

Always consider the quality of the stuff you are willing to buy and the repairing or exchanging policy. Jewelry shopping in Dubai is a must for every one as it gathers designs and the best jewelers from international market. Look for the durability and the latest trendy styles because you will certainly not fly to that mall to make a complaint for any problem once you have returned to your land.

Important considerations

It is recommended to buy disposable things that are to be used on temporary basis during the stay or it will add to the weight of the luggage while going back to your homeland. To avoid any mishap while shopping in Dubai make sure you have got enough credit in your account to buy in a care-free manner. Don’t forget to bring your credit and debit cards. Additionally eat well to supply the body with enough energy as you will have to trot a long way for hours in the huge malls. Take care of the clothing and especially the shoes which should be comfortable. Don’t forget to wear your sunscreen when going outdoors for shopping in Dubai as the sunlight is quite strong there.

To make your experience of shopping in Dubai really wonderful go to the best brands famous for the quality and carefully act upon the advice given. You will really enjoy.

Happy shopping!

Shoes have a considerable impact on a woman’s personality so carefully choose the style. As you know the formal shoes are stylish classy and a bit fancy. These have high pencil heels so walk decently while you wear one. The shoes with straps are very popular.

The best practice is to select the pair similar in color with your outfit. It looks really graceful and makes you stylish. These days shoes are available in every color you name. Even these are made as you order. Some women provide the shoe maker with a piece of fabric from their clothing to use it in the shoe in order to have a perfect similarity that looks fabulous. But not everyone has sufficient time for this neither the service is available everywhere.

The motif can also be matched with your dress that looks equally stunning.

Most formal shoes are delicate and have an ornament over the top, floral or geometric. Some have stylish buckles, bows or silver chains hanging with them. Gems are so popular in shoes now which make it more attractive and shiny. Again the color of the gems can be similar to the dress on you can have one with neutral shade such as white or transparent if you are having difficulty in finding one with the same colors as of your dress.

You can buy simple shoes and stick your own gems and ornaments over it as you like. But use it with a good aesthetic sense and durable sticking glue that makes the embellishment stay longer.

While you are buying a pair go to a popular shoe store that guarantees durability. Put on and walk a few steps to determine whether it is comfortable to walk with or not. Italian shoes are popular all over the world because of their sleek delicate designs and durability. Follow the trend.

No wardrobe is complete without accessories that must be chosen carefully. Planning one’s wardrobe is tricky and must be done smartly. Some women completely overlook the accessories and focus their attention on clothes only. The fact is these enhance your appearance a great deal.


Keep at least five to six pairs for each season. Casual foot wear is simpler than the formal ones that are delicate and decorative. Make sure the shoe rightly fits your foot and is comfortable to walk with. Get them according to the color scheme and style of the dresses. The number of socks or stockings should be more than seven as you have to change it on daily basis. For the women who have to work out in fitness club they should add athletic shoes or joggers in the wardrobe.


It beautifies you and makes a woman attractive. Delicate styles are liked by everyone so buy it according to the current trends. Casual jewelry is simple and light weight. Fancy one is fixed with gems or diamond. Check the quality before getting expensive pieces so that the investment is not at a loss. What pieces to include in wardrobe entirely depends on your choice. You can have as many pieces as you wish. These are necklace, bracelet, ear rings, toe rings, studs, finger rings, anklets, nose pins etc. Keep them in a box to avoid any damage since this is very delicate.

Shawls and Scarf

In winters shawls are a must. Matching ones look fabulous or you can have neutral colored that go equally compatible with any dress.

Hair Pieces

It includes hair catchers, pins, clips, ornaments or chopsticks. Ponies are no more used by women and are more of a young girl’s necessity.

Apart from the items to be kept in wardrobe their proper place to keep must be fixed. Shoes are kept in the bottom shelves. Hand bags are hung on hooks or kept in separate shelves. Jewelry is saved in boxes kept in a sequence on a shelf at the corner.

These are an important part of every woman’s wardrobe and serves as decorative and functional accessory or both at the same time. It is necessary to follow the trend to create a more stylish look. The style of carrying a bag considerably affects the appearance of woman.

Leather hand bags are so popular among women all over the world. Available in every color you name and numerous styles. These are used mainly for their durability and attractive designs. For some a branded bag may be a status symbol and can affect their social relations.

While buying a hand bag visit a trusted store that provides with genuine material and durability at the right cost. Open the zippers and check the pockets and the inner lining of fabric to see it is free of any defect. Modern bags have an additional small pocket without zip to keep cell phone in it. Then look carefully at the straps and outer material. Hang it over the shoulder and see whether it is comfortable to carry and looks perfect with you. For matching bags consider the color scheme of your dress then buy one. The smart idea is to choose one with neutral shades which can go with any type of dress. Black, off white or brown etc are considered universal colors and look fabulous with any colored clothes. Make sure to select the most chic style and trendy design.

Since it is just an accessory it needs not be too expensive. Avoid having low quality cheap bags as well. So go for one that is moderate in price and affordable yet good quality.

At formal occasions fancy hand bags are taken that are smaller in size and have ornaments or glittery stuff all over. Some are decorated with pearls, gems and metal pieces that are amazingly stylish. Casual bags are simple and can be fairly larger in size. For short heighted woman a large bag would certainly look awkward so choose one with your figure. You can match your shoes and bags or buy the sets of both from the same brand.

Handmade bags have become so popular in the past few years. Get a bag that best suits you in all respects and carry it gracefully. Don’t over stump it with unnecessary items.

Women love shopping at all occasions. For some it is a good pastime, they go to malls every other day regardless of the necessity of the product bought; others are restricted to make a purchase only when they feel a severe need of it. As you know with the exception of few, almost everyone has budget limitations especially those with large families or living outside their country where they have high expenses for residence, transport, food, and clothing plus the hefty tuition fee for the students.

Plan your shopping budget. Make at least a rough estimation of what to buy, the quantity and price etc. The store you are going for this purpose that you know offers something exactly of your choice or you will keep on wandering from places to places without getting a single thing.

Now make a shopping list so that you don’t forget anything. Write the amount as well.

The best way to do shopping is to be tricky about it in order to get maximum benefit. Never get easily affected by the glamorous advertisements on TV and other media. Shop only when you are really in need of it or stay home and spend money in some more important thing or you will run out of cash within a few days.

Always go for good quality items that will be used longer and need replacement very rarely. So that money is not wasted at every purchase of the same thing. Durability directly affects your pocket. The substandard things are discarded and replaced frequently so be wise.

A very smart practice is to buy off the season especially the expensive and those things that are to be bought in large quantities such as clothes, shoes, cosmetics etc.

During sales prices fall down drastically. You can get from sales especially the branded stuff that is out of reach in normal days.

Don’t make any article your weakness that you are going to have no matter what the price is. If it is affordable to you then proceed.

Making abrupt decisions and purchases should be avoided. Think well then proceed. Don’t forget to take the invoice and warranty card.

Get your shopping list and let’s go!